beach hike to tide pools

So this was actually the day before the last post, but last friday I just wanted to look at something pretty for the weekend. Anyway, this was a long time coming; to see the tide pools you have to go at low tide, and we had to shoot for a weekend day. So, after I missed the last time, we decided to shoot for a weekend, and this was the next available one. Low tide at something like 2:30 in the afternoon. I’m sure I could look it up, but it doesn’t super matter.

Walking a mile on sand is not the same as walking a mile on a dirt track or asphalt. If you’ve never hiked on a beach, maybe remember that when you’re planning.

I’m behind on my “two posts a day” pledge; I’m a lot closer to one, as it happens. I might not get to the end of the photos by the end of the month. Then, there’s also what I’m shooting now; I saw some nan goldin at SFMOMA and it reminded me of what I used to do with my pictures, even when I shot film. Anyway, I’ll try for two tomorrow; I’m out of effort for today.

Posted by Matt on 2018-04-16T07:00:43Z GMT
