fleet week air show

Days like this don’t come along much. Clear blue skies, a friend with a nice boat, and an air show against one of the prettiest skylines in the world. I am a lucky bastard. I mean, fleet week happens often enough that I’ve at least been in the city three times while it was going on, but this was the first time that I got to see the big show. They launched some new navy ship, the president was in town, and it was a beautiful day. The fog threatened and one act canceled, but it rolled right back out, and the jets came in and put on a pretty rad show. For a while, we thought the red-whatevers were actually the Blue angels, but then someone pointed out that the planes were the wrong color, and someone else looked at the schedule, and then things made a little more sense, or at least the wine kicked in. Good wine, too.

Posted by Matt on 2014-11-06T08:09:24Z GMT
