jeff and franc's xmas party

I had to cut about 20 images that were basically variatons on the big group picture from this edit. I know, it’s a christmas party and I’m only now, in March, getting around to publishing the photos. What can I say. I either transmit them on the spot via my phone, or I do it months and months later, after agonizing over the edit for far too long.

Actually this weekend we were back at this apartment, this time for Jeff’s birthday, and I might post those soon, because I want to show off my new lens. I got a Noctilux!

Fun party though, good group of folks. I should really have a word with them about indirect lighting; top down is so unflattering most of the time. Couple lamps on dimmers, some art on the walls, maybe. Anyway. Onward!

Posted by Matt on 2024-03-19T07:34:00Z GMT
