manzanar, and before, and after

So, day 2, I wake up after not the most restful night. I’d spent about 3 hours sleeping in the hammock, and when that got too cold, I moved to the tent, which was warmer, but really uncomfortable, as I hadn’t brought a ground pad. I went into town, got some breakfast, and decided I just wanted to get moving. So, I started off down the road. I’d expected it to be a shitty 2 lane affair, but found an expansive four lane highway for a lot of the journey south. I put a lot of miles under me in the first few hours, and the country was no less amazing than what I’d seen the day before. I shot out the window, while driving. It’s not nearly as dangerous as it sounds, when you’re the only car on a four lane road. It’s also not terribly productive, but I can’t stop myself. Then, I came to “Manzanar”: the middle three pictures are all from there. It’s one of the things we as a country should be ashamed of. It’s a pretty long list of things. Like a good tourist, I stopped, took my pictures, and moved on. It is worth remembering, though.

Posted by Matt on 2014-09-18T06:42:29Z GMT
