olive oil dinner with @boldfoodco and @fatgoldoliveoil

So, a couple of weeks ago I got the chance to attend a dinner by chef Muffie Fulton, in collaboration with Kathryn Tomajan of Fat Gold. This is not a review; both of the geniuses behind Fat Gold are friends, and besides, I’m not qualified to judge food like this. It was an evening of molecular gastronomy, in which all the things I thought I knew were turned upside down and all the food was surprising and kind of amazing. Liquid Nitrogen! Blow torches! Sous Vide!

I wasn’t super happy with the photos from this evening, to be honest. I wish I had another dozen, and good pictures of every course; I just wasn’t “on” that night. Oh well, at least there are some pictures.

Kathryn explains Fat Gold, and Sophia instagrams. Diners, after the first few courses, got up and moved around, watching the prep for desert. Making the chocolate bits that went into the desert. You mix chocolate, coconut oil, and liquid nitrogen, and stir. to collect, you pour everything through a strainer. All that’s left is the bits of chocolate. Very flashy, and the liquid nitrogen is gone before it gets to the floor. Some of our dining companions. Ice cream making. The liquid nitrogen isn’t just flash in this case; it freezes the cream almost instantly, not allowing the water time to form large crystals. This makes the result as creamy as it can possibly be. Then, in order to separate it from the mixing bowl, heat is applied.

Posted by Matt on 2018-05-04T06:39:49Z GMT
