a nice walk in the park

This was one of those evenings where most of the group had a nice, calm walk in the park, and I was running around like a crazy person, trying to catch the light. It was singularly amazing.

Posted on 2013-12-10T15:33:44Z GMT

New Portfolio

A friend told me that I was in danger of all of my photos becoming just pictures of my commute. I mean, I’m basically there anyway. Documenting the life of a late 20’s tech worker. I’m not sure that’s all I want to be doing. So, notice those little red buttons up there in the top nav? There’s a new one for my portfolio. Click it, and let me know what you think at my email (also linked above). If you’re hiring a photographer in the bay area and like it, let me know. In case you’re wondering, no, I’m not quitting my current job; I can do both, so I’m going to, and see where it takes me.

Posted on 2013-12-09T15:35:14Z GMT

new work folks

One of the great things about working at a new place is all the cool new people you meet. The team at SC is no exception. They’re a diverse and extremely talented bunch, and I’m glad I get to work with them. Also, a photo of a building in SOMA and a nice street view, because I can.

Posted on 2013-12-07T19:13:16Z GMT

some days

Some days the light is just right, and you can do no wrong with the camera. This was one of those days. I feel like this should have been after sunset, but maybe I was off work early for some reason. Two months is a long time.

Posted on 2013-12-06T15:44:39Z GMT

riding the wiggle

The wiggle, fo those that aren’t familiar, is the path of least resisitance from the east when crossing to the west in SF. It’s still a bit of a climb, but every time you think “Holy crap, I have to go up that?!?,” there’s a right or a left turn, and it’s not nearly as bad as you thought. One more note: it’s really hard to take pictures while biking in traffic.

Posted on 2013-12-05T15:32:47Z GMT