last ride in the daylight

As the winter makes the days shorter, my rides ended closer and closer to sunset, and then I’d arrive at the beach at sunset, and then finally, the last couple times, it’s been dark when I got there. This was somewhere in the middle of all that, near dark with the fog rolled in. Just fantastic. Can you tell I’m looking forward to getting back?

Posted on 2013-11-19T01:31:49Z GMT

Evil Party

Whoever came up with this idea, it’s amazing. For Gina’s birthday, we all had to dress up as villans. I went as Dr. Evil, and Sophia did a mean poison ivy. I’m obligated by our marrige vows to post the picture of her in the mask, I think. Also, for anyone who was wondering how to look at a camera, Jamie is showing you how in that 2nd to last photo.

Posted on 2013-11-17T06:24:24Z GMT

americas cup from the water

There was a lot of stuff written about how kinda bullshit the whole thing was for the City of SF, but since other people have already articulated the problems with hosting a sport for billionaires, I won’t rehash that here. It was nice to get out on the water, even though I got a bit sea sick. It’s funny, the ferry never does it to me, and the trips out on Seemant’s boat didn’t bother me either. Sometimes, though, I’ll get on a boat and just be in a bad way untill the motion sickness medicine kicks in. Barring that, this was a good excursion. The yacht we were on was incredibly nice, the kind of place a schlub like myself could retire to. 50ft, 3 bedrooms, well outfitted, too. Plenty of food and drink, and a fine captain to steer us. I can see why people that have the money for a big boat have one; sure, they’re showy, but they’re also genuinely enjoyable. Not that I’d ever buy one myself; far too many places to go and things to do.

Posted on 2013-11-16T22:49:07Z GMT

back in black and white

I’ve decided I need to simplify a bit. I used to shoot in black in white all the time. There are myraid reasons: it’s more graphic and striking, there’s more process control, and it used to be cheaper. When that went away with digital, and I was able to shoot color at iso 3200, I went a little crazy with it. Now, there are plenty of reasons to shoot color. It’s closer to reality (for a given value of reality). It can be more eye-catching. And there I’m out of reasons. I’ve been lusting after “this camera”: for a while, but I realized, I have a perfectly good camera now, and the only thing that would get me is full frame. If I want to shoot black and white, I should just do it. So I am, starting now. This also solves the problem of a lot of the clichés I’m guilty of. Sunsets, especially. They’re just not the same in black and white.

Posted on 2013-11-16T22:07:10Z GMT

two portraits

After the excitement of the last post, here’s two portraits of some friends. Editing pictures at a distance is hard. I can’t wait to be home.

Posted on 2013-11-15T06:52:37Z GMT