hunter's housewarming

Since I’ve sat here trying to write about this for half an hour, and gotten nowhere, here are the pictures. It really was a fun afternoon.

Posted on 2013-04-15T03:54:32Z GMT

some sort of celebration

The was some occasion for this particular night out, but dammed if I remember. This is what happens when you delay a month and change between drinking and blogging. The time difference really screws you. I do remember that the first photo was supposed to be of the cluster of girls in the background, and not the couple at the corner, but the camera does what it wants to. Also, the last picture is from another night, but I promised the dude I’d post it.

Posted on 2013-04-06T21:05:55Z GMT

holiday hangover camping

This was an after-holidays holiday party… one last hurrah with the gang. It was supposed to be camping, but we couldn’t find accomos like we wanted. Nobody in Oklahoma rents cabins big enough for the likes of us. So, we went over to Heather and Jeff’s house, and we slept in sleeping bags on the ground (or the couch, lounge chairs, or anything else horizontal). I made it about halfway through the showing of rocky horror before I passed out.

Posted on 2013-04-06T20:03:41Z GMT

a couple others

A few more from the road, just in between places. I drove a lot, before the move. Now I drive once every other week, and the car seems a luxury that I’m not at all sure I want to keep.

Posted on 2013-03-31T09:59:55Z GMT

at the house

This was several houses ago, and it seems like a couple lifetimes as well. A lot of things that were planned hadn’t happened yet, and a lot of the plans hadn’t even been fully formed. Sometimes you end up back at the house with a bottle of vodka and a bunch of 5 hour energy and you make the best of it. This was one of those nights. (Note: those shots were awful, don’t bother).

Posted on 2013-03-31T09:27:00Z GMT