Lindsay's Birthday

These were all from Sophie’s (and my) friend Lindsay’s Birthday party. We all got really drunk; Sophie and I walked and took cabs, and I think mot everybody else did the same. Which was a good thing, because for the latter half of the evening, a majority of the party was blacked out. No, not me; I wasn’t trying to kill any more brain cells than I already have. If I keep doing these posts in pairs, I might get caught up to the present just before I have to go to Tahoe and get three weeks behind again (A week in Tahoe, a weekend to move, a couple weeks to find an apartment/adjust to life in SF). That’s the way the pan flashes.

Posted on 2013-02-12T07:47:43Z GMT

Just two photos

Something about the moonlight through the trees in winter is especially magical. Or it could just be that I’m outside to see it. The phone booth is one of several on the OU campus; when I saw them I was really excited, and thought of doing a whole essay on them right then. But I had to get to the Dan Savage talk, which ended up being a packed house. Really great, really moving. Then we went and had pizza, and the phone booths seemed less photogenic on the way out.

Posted on 2013-02-12T07:22:41Z GMT

cards against humanity

This may have been the first time I playd cards against humanity. A really fun, really awful game.

Posted on 2013-02-10T18:48:41Z GMT

just a couple photos

From back in the city thanksgiving night. A long ass day, and there were no naps.

Posted on 2013-02-10T17:23:05Z GMT

One Big Table

So, we finished our 5k, went home, showered, and then got in the car to drive to Lawton, to Sophie’s Aunt Marylyn’s house. Beautiful little place, lots of good shapes and textures; you could tell it was a place that they’d designed and built themselves. The meal was at the family table, with an extension at one end. No kids table here. Good food, good people. And then we drove back to the city.

Posted on 2013-02-10T00:42:29Z GMT