Not going there

But I’m sure you know what the working title of this post was.

Posted on 2013-01-24T06:36:55Z GMT


This is one of the different veins I’m exploring: how we move around, how we get places, the shapes and structures and devices that enable it. This is one of those sets of work that needs to be made 60 inches wide, needs to be seen writ large. It may end up that way, or I may never get anything else done on it ever. I say ‘exploring’ but really, I’m just taking pictures of things without much conscious discretion, letting my subconscious guide the work. A photographic version of automatic drawing, if you will.

Posted on 2013-01-22T07:21:43Z GMT

Denver, briefly (rubyconf)

So, just after we got back to the US, I got on another plane to go to Denver for RubyConf. It was actually a really good conf, where I learned some interesting stuff (as opposed to many of the other confs I’ve been at, where I did the hallway track the whole time). Denver herself is a beautiful city, great sunrises, good walking, if a little cold after the Mediterranean.

Posted on 2013-01-21T05:39:05Z GMT


I have more pictures than words, sorry if these get a bit terse. It’s a bit harder to connect the dots when themes are spread out over the months; I’m thinking I might start working on another book soon, though. Working title: ‘Matt Mills turns over a new leaf (photographically).’

Posted on 2013-01-21T03:59:28Z GMT

birthday brunch

Sophie’s birthday brunch, a week after the fact. In which I didn’t get a good picture of my girlfriend. And with these, I’m back to being two months behind. On the good news list, I’ve got my storage box up and running. So things should have some regularity here from now on (says the guy who’s moving cross country in five weeks).

Posted on 2013-01-21T03:48:32Z GMT