Barcelona Street Scenes 2

This is the second set, and I won’t add to my other ramblings except to say man this was a really fun trip.

Posted on 2012-12-12T04:01:36Z GMT

stuff that didn't fit in to neat boxes but I liked anyway

There are a bunch of street photos still to edit, and a nice post about silly tourists, but these needed to go somewhere and the mental energy required to edit 25 photos down to 10 was not a thing I had, so here are these, which were much easier to bring to press. Have a nice day.

Posted on 2012-12-11T06:14:29Z GMT

more buildings

The title of this post is a lie; I just didn’t know what to call it; they’re not pictures of people, but I hate the word cityscapes. It is buildings, and a couple courtyards, and roses growing in an ancient Roman graveyard. A picture of a nice cloud thrown in, because I’m still me. Yeah, got another half dozen or so posts left in this vein, and then the vacation slideshow will be over, and the regular life slideshow will recommence.

Posted on 2012-12-06T07:10:25Z GMT


It would be possible to go to Barcelona and spend all of your time there just looking at all the different churches. There’s probably a degree in medieval architecture to be had for a thesis on them. I took a few pictures.

Posted on 2012-12-06T07:02:29Z GMT

A lot of walking punctuated by cafes and tapas

That was a lot of our time in Barcelona, just walking around the quarter our apartment was in, and eating delicious food, and ocaisionally seeing interesting things. Lots of cool little shops. Like a good american, I indulged in a few things: a very nice knife, of spanish steel, a blank book and fountain pen, and a couple hats to last me through the winter. There are still about 160 photos in the BCN collection in my lightroom; I’m going to allow myself maybe 4 more posts, in quick succession, and then move on. So I need to edit that to ~30 photos. Oy vey.

Posted on 2012-12-05T06:08:29Z GMT