birds and planes

Things in the sky.

Posted on 2012-10-04T01:37:10Z GMT

an evening in dallas

So, after the run and a nice lunch, we drove down to Dallas to see some friends for some reason or another. Tim and Katie are always a fun time. Also photogenic as fuck:

Posted on 2012-10-03T19:58:34Z GMT

color me rad 5k

I ran/walked in this… as you can see from the photo, I found out just how out of shape I am. Of course it was hella hot and they didn’t have much water for us, for some reason. Normally I’d say, “Walk two miles? No problemo,” but this was actually hard. I mean, nothing a shower and a quesadilla couldn’t fix, but yeah. Isn’t Sophie lovely, even all covered in dye?

Posted on 2012-10-03T16:55:11Z GMT

a couple pictures of bikes

This post does what it says on the label, that’s all. If you’re wodering why I’m pushing out so many posts at once, I’m trying to clear most of the backlog before I go to spain. I’ve got a week and a half to get caught up to right now. Also, I have to be up in the morning, so this is all for tonight.

Posted on 2012-10-03T06:12:06Z GMT

MC show

I don’t feel like writing/everything I write makes me feel self conscious. So here’s some photos.

Posted on 2012-10-03T05:51:52Z GMT