camping trip (nights)

I think this was before the fourth, but don’t quote me. There’s been a lot of beer and quite a few miles since then. This was a good time, getting to know some new folks, and seeing some old friends as well. Hammock camping is awesome; I was set up and ready to go in like 15 minutes, and down and ready to leave in 5. Things to remember not in the photos: getting stuck going up the hill coming into camp, the place we stopped at was the shortest, everything tastes good cooked over a fire, and be sure to wear sunscreen. There is a second post, with the day photos, below.

Posted on 2012-08-01T05:01:56Z GMT

camping trip (days)

These are the day photos; let the recording angel note that this is the Illinois River, outside Talequah; That we spent 7 hours floating 6 miles; that by the end, I was burnt, exhausted, and took a two hour nap the moment we got back to camp. Recommended: take a waterproof parasol, a camera with a housing, and use a canoe. Canoes go faster.

Posted on 2012-08-01T05:01:01Z GMT

traci's hilo birthday

So, there was a lot of wildness this night, including a dude with leopard print tattoos over 90% of his body. Singing, dancing, and that was just in the living room. Than we went to the Hilo in cabs (for those of you in real cities, fuck you for having cabs that show up within 15 minutes when you call), proceecded to get hammered, then the dfry for fries at last call; we nearly lost Jay to some dude, and had to circle around twice to get him. Props to (in no particular order): The Morracan cabbie that dealt with our drunk asses, the bartenders at both bars, my downstairs neighbors for not calling the authorities, and finally, to Sarah, Reaghan, Sophia (who was somewhat new to this madness at the time), and of course, the birthday girl, Traci.

Posted on 2012-07-31T00:26:41Z GMT

sarah francois comes to town

My friends are sort of scattered, not just in the head, but geographically. All over the US and in several countries abroad as well. So I’m always stoked to see one of them come through my neck of the woods. Sarah is one of those friends with whom distance and time don’t matter; A hug and a beer and then we’re back on bikes, as if no time had passed since we’d last seen each other. Ben, her Londoner boyfriend, came along, and with Sophie rounding out a quartet, we had a grand time catching up.

Posted on 2012-07-29T18:50:21Z GMT


Sophie, then Anne and Isaac, from the last game of the finals.

Posted on 2012-07-29T18:35:36Z GMT