editing is hard

So yeah, I did a lot of shooting an no editing, as I am wont to do, and it’s taken a while for me to catch up even this much. At this momen, 100 photos are processing to jpeg, at which point they’ll be postable again. I got through all the photos from camping, from one blue note show, from the week in cali, and the trips out and back. So those are all coming in the next couple days. Other good things that are happening. If you care about the day-to-day, you’re probably already my freind on FB and twitter, so I won’t bore you with repitition. Here’s a nice picture of the moon to start.

Posted on 2012-07-26T05:30:32Z GMT

the fish returns

So, for some reason I finally got off my lazy ass and rebuilt my fisheye. It’s something I’ve been meaning to do ever since it broke on the way home from mexico last August (I never did get around to posting those pics). Anyway, suffice to say that super glue is not a strutural seal for anything that may take any kind of blunt force, like dropping, or time spent in my luggage. This is version 3 of this lens. The first two were prototypes, this one is a lot more usable. I used my dremel and made a focusing helical, even, so now the lens doesn’t fall off the end of the camera. Proof is in the pudding. I’m aware that the fish is sort of a gimmick lens, but it’s fun to play with.

Posted on 2012-06-08T07:16:31Z GMT

some random things 1

File this under ‘life doesn’t really have a neat ordered narrative’. If it did, well, it wouldn’t be nearly this interesting. pretty girls, food from trucks, bike rides followed by bars followed by blogging… Anyway, photos:

Posted on 2012-06-08T07:09:05Z GMT

coming home from sf

These are the last photos from my trip to SF. Went to a lovely barbecue with the devs, and then walked to the nearest BART station, which was a bit of a hike with my luggage, but the fact that I’d had plenty of beer with the food helped, and I made it just fine, with plenty of time to get to my gate. A good trip.

Posted on 2012-06-04T06:10:39Z GMT

pretty things at bluenote

Last night I went to the blue note, not expecting much after the thunder game. I got a nice surprise. The “Pretty Things Peep Show”:http://www.prettythingsproductions.com was there, and I’ve gotta say they’re one of the better acts I’ve seen. The MC, Donny Vomit, kept things lively. I wish I’d taken more photos. As it is, editing these was really difficult- I liked a lot of them. The bed of no nails was particularly funny/entertaining.

Posted on 2012-06-02T01:33:00Z GMT