some sort of celebration last march

I started out this month saying I wanted to do two posts a day, and here it is the third, and I’m only posting my second post for the month. Gotta up my game if I’m gonna get anywhere near my goal.

These photos are from some celebration or other, from what appears to be Drake’s, in downtown Oakland. Can’t remember the reason, could’ve just been someone was in town. Anyway, here are the photos, I’m gonna go grab the next batch and post some more. Onward!

Posted on 2018-04-04T00:05:03Z GMT

old sf street photos

So offloading the photos from the sony from the show the other night (which I took since the venue had a no-pro-cameras policy), I discovered there were a bunch of photos from 2015 still on the card. Got a few posts of that lined up.

Posted on 2018-04-02T06:54:42Z GMT

skating polly / go team

went to this show tuesday night, and oh my god skating polly has gotten a lot better since the last time I saw them, way back in 2012. I remember then thinking “These kids really rock, not just for 12 year olds or whatever,” and now they’ve grown and refined their sound a crapton. Wild and energetic and angry and everything I want in a punk band. I should note that this could have been a lot more photos; it was espcially hard to edit these for some reason.

Go Team was new to me, but just a lot of fun, in a nice unironic way. Good stage presence from all the members, a lot going on. Audience participation (I got to yell my star sign into a mic, and it was being filmed and when I realized that moment will probably be on the internet forever I almost spontaneously combusted on the spot).

These are black and white because color in clubs is bullshit. Most of these just don’t work as color; the meter on the little camera I had couldn’t keep up or something. Black and white is better anyway.

Posted on 2018-03-29T07:00:30Z GMT

kawan's open studio

This was some weeks ago now, even though I worked up the photos that evening. It’s a lovely place to spend an afternoon. Kawan is the artist who did all the work in the pictures. He’s also the subject of the last picture, and just really kind and generous. His studio is his house, and he just opened it up and shared all his rad art books and art with whoever happened to drop by and see him that afternoon. Check out his Nieman Lab predidiction for media in 2018… more zines! I’m 100% behind this.

Posted on 2018-02-22T00:16:32Z GMT

a very long night

Yes, all of this really happened. It was a magic night, where we were determined to rage even if nobody around was really into the party. Hit like 4 bars, including the Hilo, which was lame and slow on a thursday, and then went back to KJ’s for the afterparty, where KJ painted flowers and gave me good advice. I think we were up till like 5? I don’t know how that happened. But it did.

Posted on 2018-02-06T07:06:03Z GMT