on showing up

Note: the following does not apply to those who can’t go to protests for whatever reason; disability, PTSD, the need to avoid the authorities. I’m talking to my able-bodied fellow white folks.

So, you’ve just seen the Tina Fey #sheetcaking thing, or you’ve heard how violent Antifa is, and you’ve decided to just stay away from the protests when the racists fascist thugs come to your town. Congratulations, you’re letting the Nazis win.

If, however, you don’t want that to be you, and if you think that killing people because of their race, sexuality, gender identity, or anything else is unacceptable, welcome to the ranks of the Anti-Fascists! We’re really a fun bunch, once you get to know us.

The truth is all you have to do is show up. This is not a complicated fight involving many ins and outs and long work ahead of time. Do not allow them the space. Do not allow them to make you afraid to go to the park on a saturday. There is hard work ahead of us; there is much healing and compassion that will be needed, but this is the first step. Show the nazis they’re not welcome in our town, our state, our country. Show them that calling for violence is violence, and we will not allow it.

If you don’t stand up now, when all you have to do is show up, then what will you do when it gets worse? Because if you don’t now, when they are small, if you let them rob you of your agency now, then they will take that and get bigger and stronger and harder to stop. It’s the difference between putting out a cigarette and putting out a forest fire.

If the contingent of people opposing them is small, then there will be violence. The fash prey on the weak, after all. If our numbers only equal theirs, then we will attacked, just like Sacramento and Charlottesville and Portland and everywhere else. If we have double their size, then we have begun to show them they are not welcome here. If we have 10 times more people, then they will run away, afraid of what they have awakened.

So: do not allow them to occupy that space in your fear centers. Do not think that ignoring violence will make it go away. There are more people in any medium-sized city right now that can show up to oppose them than there are avowed fascists in the whole USA. They can come by the hundreds, maybe, and we can take the bus and show up by the thousands. Show up with me.

The photos this time are a selection from the Women’s march last January, and the SFO protests against the muslim ban. This is what happens when enough people show up.

Posted on 2017-08-18T19:15:16Z GMT

dinner club last may

So, this was, what, 3 moths ago? I’m getting more behind instead of less, and that’s nobody’s fault but my own. I don’t have any deadlines, and I don’t have any reasons to rush. I used to try to get the photos out the morning after the party, but now? There’s no rush.

There is a small rush, though, in that the next dinner club being held in this same spot, Roger and Olivia’s back yard, is on saturday. In 36 hours, we’ll be doing something similar (different menu, different beer, probably different randos).

Anyway, speaking of deadlines and reasons to get photos out sooner, I’ve decided to try to do some freelance work again; I’m available outside normal working hours for all your photographic needs, once again. I’ve learned a few things since the last time I tried this, number one being don’t quit your day job. Number two being you have to do a lot of work to promote yourself; all the most successful people are promoting themselves effectively. I don’t want to annoy the shit out of my meager set of twitter and facebook friends, so I’ll be trying to think of creative ways to get my work in front of editors and art directors.

ALSO: I started a Patreon! If you’re into that sort of thing, toss me a dollar or more. The first ten backers at any level get a print of their choice (anything here on the blog, basically). I’m not quitting my job, but the goal is to support myself with photography, eventually.

Posted on 2017-08-11T06:08:11Z GMT

walking in the city

I don’t really do this kind of work as much anymore, I need to get back to it. It’s really rewarding for not a lot of effort; just keeping my camera on me, for the most part. There was an incident which scared me off of it for a while, but that shouldn’t stop me, it’s not my first confrontation. Anyway, next time, some nice candid portraits from a dinner club.

Posted on 2017-08-06T09:04:41Z GMT

picnic by lake merritt

So this must have been three months or so ago, one of the first real warm weekends. I’d just had my eyes lasered, had to wear sunglasses the whole time. The pictures, perhaps in sympathy to my postoperative photophobia, were a little over exposed. Nothing I couldn’t handle in post.

Posted on 2017-06-22T08:24:30Z GMT

three pictures in the city

Photos, not really about anything. These were walking to lunch, someday months ago now.

Posted on 2017-06-11T19:08:47Z GMT