a traffic jam caused by google

So, on the way to camping, Sophie and I came upon a large traffic snare. Instead of just sitting there in the jam, google maps directed us to take some side roads, a thing that it’s done in the past when I’ve hit this sort of traffic. The detours are usually interesting, at least, a break from the monotony of the interstate.

Anyway, we get off of I-5 and onto some side road, then the access road, then another side road, then through a neighborhood, in a shortcut that no sane person would ever attempt. After all that, we hit a two lane county road that was to take us back to the highway, where I tweeted: “In a traffic jam on a secondary road caused by Google maps. AMA” A bunch of other people, it seemed, had gmaps on in the car to get them north. At this one crossroads, we all hit the same stop sign. Even with that, we all saved 20 minutes over the traffic jam.

Which didn’t really mean anything, by the time we got to our campsite. We still had hours of daylight left. Easiest time setting up I’ve had in a while, since most of the time we leave after work, get stuck in traffic, and get to where we’re going sometime between 10pm and midnight. We even had time to cook a nice dinner.

Posted on 2016-07-06T02:05:44Z GMT

annie and adam's new digs

This was a sort of unintentional party. We were supposed to be getting ready to go camping, but decided to go out for dinner with a bunch of folks, including Annie and Adam who’ve just moved into a new place. Then we decided another round sounded good. Then another, and then we decided we should all go back to the new place and check it out, with a stop at 7/11 for beer and supplies (I had a random gummy bear craving, so sue me).

The place is awesome. Nice big kitchen, long living room with north facing windows (north light windows are my fav), and even an office. Sweet little place.

Posted on 2016-07-05T20:53:57Z GMT

yesterday's photos

So yesterday I finally figured out what the motor drive was for: it’s for getting more pictures, faster than your finger can go. I know some of these are similar, and that I should probably cut a few, but that takes time that I don’t have. I know I should point the camera a bit lower, looking at all of these. Anyway, I just wanted to get up a post, so people know that I’m not dead and the blog is still active. Still shooting.

I may try to do this every day, just pull the card from the camera and upload anything good. The through line, the narrative of these photos is pretty raw, and won’t make a ton of sense. I feel like if a larger theme emerges it’s going to happen after the blogging, when I’m printing in six months, or looking back on this in five years. (Also god I’ve had this blog in some form for going on 8 years? I blame @busblog).

Posted on 2016-06-09T23:17:54Z GMT

driving through the sierras

Road trippin’. Hard to get started, although my habit of going out the night before may be to blame. Roughly ten hours on the road, eight in a hotel bed, and I’m still tired. At least tonight we’re sleeping somewhere without a checkout time.

Working, over on the other blog, on documenting some of the stuff I’ve been doing in my spare time. Maybe worth checking out, if you’re into that kind of thing.

Day 1: Sierras Day 1: Sierras Day 1: Sierras Day 1: Sierras Day 1: Sierras Day 1: Sierras Day 1: Sierras Day 1: Sierras Day 1: Sierras Day 1: Sierras Day 1: Sierras Day 1: Sierras

Posted on 2016-03-10T17:44:10Z GMT

3rd st closure

Last night, I was walking down third to get to Garaje. Normally I wouldn’t go that far for dinner, but I had time to kill. I got to mission and third to find third completely blocked, including the sidewalk. The police seemed to have their hands full dealing with irate conference goers and drunk people (but I repeat myself), so I didn’t ask them what was going on. I went around, New Montgomery to Howard. I walked down a mostly empty third street sidewalk, and found that the cops were turning people back at Folsom too. The whole street empty, traffic backed up on third from being redirected.

I like this format; shoot a little essay between places, see something interesting, post it mostly from my phone. I’m not going after great truth or justice like I thought journalism should be when I was in school. I’m just looking at here and now, and seeing what I see.

Third st closure last night Third st closure last night Third st closure last night Third st closure last night Third st closure last night Third st closure last night Third st closure last night

Posted on 2016-03-03T17:08:11Z GMT