apcera halloween

Technically, this was Friday before halloween, but it was a good time to party. They had a costume contest, and good food, sweets. Then those of us that live in the east bay headed over to Cato’s for some beers and late dinner. 7-10 of us crowded around a table talking and drinking and eating tatchos (natchos, but tater tots instead of chips). Good times.

I still have photos from Bali that I need to post, and some other stuff cooking. There are SO MANY THINGS I’m working on right now it’s not even funny. There’s the writing machine, there’s v4.whatever of the watch, there’s the novel in progress, there’s the photos I’m always taking, there’s work, there’s the motorcycle and probably half a dozen things I’m forgetting because those are the five in the forefront of my mind.

Thinking about getting a photo printer, so I can make some prints again. I signed up for a photo workshop, and I need to have a small portfolio to take to that. I can’t exactly hand the guy my tablet and say “Here’s my blog.” I may farm out the printing for that to somewhere in NY. Some of the black and white work from recent months, maybe. Have to decide soon. Like tomorrow, probably. Tempting to just take a copy of Cycle, but that was 6 years ago now (I can’t believe the last time I did a photo book was 6 years ago). Maybe I’ll do another book in that really gritty cheap photocopied style again. That was fun.

Posted on 2015-11-01T07:07:34Z GMT

florence and the machine

Just went to this concert, and it was a lot of fun. I tried to post these from the phone, but ran into some odd ssh issues that I still can’t figure out. Could be the beer. Anyway, photos:

Florence and the machine Florence and the machine Florence and the machine Florence and the machine Florence and the machine

Posted on 2015-10-23T06:41:10Z GMT

cruise to st francis

So, earlier today, I was at something of a loose end as to what to do with myself, and I found out our friends Peggy and cris were going to go on a little cruise. At first it was going to be to Tiburon, but when we got to the boat, it seemed a bit choppy for that crossing, so we went to the St. Francis Yacht club instead. It’s a nice place.

Of course, the bay was putting on a show for use as well. The clouds were great. The city was beautiful. The light was good going out and even better coming back. I’m really super glad I went. Thanks to Chris and Peggy for having me!

Posted on 2015-10-19T06:38:46Z GMT

up kearny st

I was going to talk about something smart here, but I used up all my smarts this week. I tackled a huge problem at work, and in doing so became the local expert on that thing. I built a keyboard and a Tv-b-Gone. I started thinking about laptop enclosures and hinges and how to fabricate them from what I have on hand, plus some hardware (springs and bolts!).

I like this part of the city, and that my office is now in the middle of it is a bonus. I can just take a walk on lunch and take it in. Maybe next post I’ll have something to say about all this street/urban landscape I’ve been shooting.

Kearny street Kearny street Kearny street Kearny street Kearny street Kearny street Kearny street Kearny street

Posted on 2015-10-10T00:53:12Z GMT

a very long day

Thursday was a very long day. 24 hours on our personal clocks, plus we lost a day to the international date line. Plus sleep on planes, plus airplane food. Jet lag hasn’t been too bad. The beach is wonderful, and the ocean is warm.

Downtown buildings with moon picture of me at tacolicious Picture of me driving sophie crazy Random saxophone player in a parking lot in the mission Somewhere over the pacific Weirdo Giant sculpture at the Taipei airport Sunrise, Taipei Man crossing Road, Denpassar, Bali Resort, Bali Sophie in the surf with wine Beach after sunset, Bali

Posted on 2015-09-05T22:48:36Z GMT