another day another ferry ride

Yeah, I know, by my own cirteria, two of these three picutres are boring. Just goes to show that there aren’t any hard and fast rules in photography.

Posted on 2014-01-20T15:16:07Z GMT

scenery is boring

Don’t get me wrong, I love a good lanscape, but they’re not alive, you know? OK, plants are alive. But add people, and it’s actually looking back at you, or at least could be. My new years resolution: more pictures of people, less pictures of not people (arrived at some weeks late, but whatever). So yeah: believe it or not, these are some of the less twisty parts of the road from Stinson back to civilization. I’d need a wide angle lens and some serious time with the concept of curves to really get it in the frame, if you know what I mean. And that would be boring.

Posted on 2014-01-17T06:16:39Z GMT

stinson beach

So this was a nice day. Brunch and then a hella twisty drive through Marin to the beach. I didn’t think it was that bad, but Soph and her mom got a little carsick, and wouldn’t let me drive back. I suppose a year of hardly driving day-to-day has taken its toll on my skills. Our luck was up, and the sky was clear and blue (as opposed to the fog that could have come in). We basically laid there and listened to the surf for an hour, and then walked to the far end of the beach. We wished for a picnic basket, maybe some beers, but then we went home and had a really big dinner. But going home is the next post. I did something with the editing process. I decided to cut all the ones without people about halfway through. It seems sort of arbitrary, but it immediately focused the edit. I used to have a hard rule against photos without people in them. I thought that people were the most interesting thing, and that landscapes and scenic shots were just boring. Of course, I formed that opinion in Oklahoma, where there aren’t really landscapes as such.

Posted on 2014-01-16T15:46:15Z GMT

sophie and her mom

Did I mention that Soph’s mom came to visit over thanksgiving?

Posted on 2014-01-16T15:39:00Z GMT

BART journey

This was a trip to San Leandro to watch Saturday morning football with some friends. It’s saturday morning football when the games happen on EST and you’re on PST. Not a bad excuse to go drink mimosas and eat breakfast casserole, though. Public transit makes it possible. I tend to think of the reach of the BART as the real bounds of the city; it’s probably two hours between its two farthest points (Fremont and SFO, maybe?), but my average journey is something like half an hour. There’s definitely something to be said for getting under the bay in less than 20 minutes (from stop to stop; my commute is essentially that plus walking 7 minutes to one stop and 3 minutes to another). I mean, by that metric, my ‘hood is as close to SOMA as the Mission. Of course, commute time is only one metric.

Posted on 2014-01-15T07:09:34Z GMT