surprising my folks for xmas

So today, instead of going to hang out with some lovely people in oakland, I got on a succession of planes and didn’t tweet about it or facebook or instagram. I was flying over some of my favorite parts of the country, southern Utah and the Colorado Rockies (not to be confused with the baseball team). Unfortunately, the flight gods were not kind, and there was a kid sitting next to me that was afraid of flying, so I only got to open the window in brief moments when he was absorbed in his movie.

I didi like some of the photos (below), but I couldn’t post them in the moment to Insta, where my mom would see I was flying and figure the whole thing out. So here they are on the blog instead, while I can’t sleep because timezones.

The second leg, the travel gods smiled and there was an empty middle seat in my row, on an otherwise full flight. I was surprised at how tired I was; I fell asleep while we were taxiing and woke up when we were descending into OKC. Claimed my checked bag, and then got into a Lyft from the airport and arrived here, and talked for a couple hours with my folks.

Some day, I may be able to sleep.

Posted by Matt on 2017-12-26T06:59:37Z GMT
