today's anti-fash action

Just got back from this, posting from the phone. Me and about 1000 other people showed up and blocked the road in front of the ICE offices in San Francisco. It may even still be going; the cops were just directing traffic around the crowd; they didn’t seem keen on trying to break it up.

I’ve tried (mostly) to keep faces out of these; because we’re about six months shy of a full blown police state, and there’s no telling how photos of people at protests might be used against the protestors. About half the people there were also broadcasting, though, meaning that me keeping faces out altogether is pretty pointless. The local news media showing up seemed almost redundant. That said, I’m glad they were there.

I couldn’t tell you how many people were there. More than 500 and less than 5000 is my best guess. I wish it was more; I wish the whole damn city were in the streets, yelling “No Justice, No Peace!” and “Immigrants are welcome here!”. This was good though.

Ice protest 2018 Ice protest 2018 Ice protest 2018 Ice protest 2018 Ice protest 2018 Ice protest 2018 Ice protest 2018 Ice protest 2018 Ice protest 2018 Ice protest 2018 Ice protest 2018

Posted by Matt on 2018-06-19T22:38:36Z GMT
