ubud continued

So, second day in Ubud, we did considerably more walking. Markets, some temples, lots of tourists. The first three pictures are what most of the town was like. Stores selling things to tourists. There were some shops on the outside of town that sold statuary and furniture, but I’m not convinced those weren’t also for export. We walked, we drank beer, we walked some more. Didn’t buy anything but food and potables (potent and otherwise).

Despite all that, there were glimpses of real beauty; the way the statues were all dressed, the little offerings left out everywhere, the old buildings poking through and around the new. The fifty foot high god with bow and arrow at the big crossroads in town was lit at night, a beacon. I’m not sure I’d seen a lotus in bloom before. On balance, a good day. Also, I believe this was also the day I discovered Pocari Sweat, which is a Gatorade analogue. It only comes in one flavor, but it’s not bad. Especially when you’ve been walking for a bazillion hours.

(Sorry to folks on slow connections, but I really didn’t want to edit these down any further.)

Posted by Matt on 2015-12-10T06:11:47Z GMT
