Work in Progress: MacArthur BART

There are many BART stations, but this is the one that I pass through the most. It’s also fiarly interesting; a good mix of young professionals, locals, schoolkids going to the city, people catching the shuttle to Kaiser. I don’t know what direction this is going in, and I’m totally not done. It’s a Work in Progress. It’s also the first idea that landed in my lap after I got the new camera. I may abandon it if time doesn’t allow me to give it the depth that it needs. Right now I’ve got a place, but that’s not enough for a subject. There’s gotta be a person in the story, someone not me, because I’m not enough of a narcisist to talk about myself all the time (says the blogger). In other news, many many things are afoot. I have to say no to pretty much anything else that comes down the pipe for the next 4-6 months. I’ve a new version of the watch in the works, various trips, Maker Faire (where I’ll be wandering around trying to keep my jaw off the floor), and of course, big things going on at the day job. Of course, now that I’ve said that, half of it may fall through. We’ll see.

Posted by Matt on 2015-04-13T06:23:59Z GMT
