BART journey

This was a trip to San Leandro to watch Saturday morning football with some friends. It’s saturday morning football when the games happen on EST and you’re on PST. Not a bad excuse to go drink mimosas and eat breakfast casserole, though. Public transit makes it possible. I tend to think of the reach of the BART as the real bounds of the city; it’s probably two hours between its two farthest points (Fremont and SFO, maybe?), but my average journey is something like half an hour. There’s definitely something to be said for getting under the bay in less than 20 minutes (from stop to stop; my commute is essentially that plus walking 7 minutes to one stop and 3 minutes to another). I mean, by that metric, my ‘hood is as close to SOMA as the Mission. Of course, commute time is only one metric.

Posted on 2014-01-15T07:09:34Z GMT

couple randos for ya

I’m still editing the next big batch of photos; these cover from just before thanksgiving through new years. A pretty big batch, not like the old days where I’d pull out the card every day and see what had happened right in front of me. I’m starting something tonight; for every blog post I also make a print. The third image is tonight’s print. Of course, my printer is nearly out of ink, but I’ve found a cheaper alternative for that, so hopefully I’ll be printing more soon.

Posted on 2014-01-14T06:22:56Z GMT

sf streets in color

In two weeks of being in oklahoma, I got three pictures. I shot all of these walking around before and after lunch, shortly after I got back. I am definitely in the right place.

Posted on 2014-01-10T04:47:29Z GMT

planes are awesome (part 2)

Until we get spaceflight or teleports or something, this is the best way to go someplace. Even a bad flight is good because you get to go somewhere different, see amazing things out the window.

Posted on 2014-01-09T03:51:09Z GMT

planes are awesome (part 1)

Dude, but seriously. I’m splitting this into two posts because I got a lot of awesome pictures of clouds and the ground. I’ve had a long love affiair with flying. It’s always pretty amazing, even what most people would call boring flights. I’m not afraid that nothing is holding the plane up, I’m amazed by the evidence of my eyes, that nothing but air and speed are holding the plane up. Not to mention the part where you get in and are flung thousands of miles in a few hours. Shift key appears to be working now, which is a nice change.

Posted on 2014-01-08T06:57:53Z GMT