last chance to party

in oklahoma, that is. KJ called me on my last night in town, said there was a hell of a show happening at VZD’s. Psychobilly, she said. How could I say no? So we went out to the bar, had a pretty rockin time, as you can see. Koffin Kats killed it. there was great energy all around; the croud was also punk as fuck. in case you’re wondering, something is wrong with the shift key. ust imagine capitals in the right places.

Posted on 2014-01-07T06:23:34Z GMT

two weeks of not much to photograph

I didn’t do much while I was back. I just settled into a rhythm of walks with my mom in the afternoons, working remotely with whoever I happened to be paired with that day, and sleeping in combined with a lot of late nights.

Posted on 2014-01-06T19:26:14Z GMT

an OK night

get it? OK? no? Well, anyway, this was actually a pretty fun night. there was food off a truck, and ice cream, and a record store that had materialized in the plaza district since my last visit. Oh yeah, and hanging out with one of my best firends in the world, KJ. There are a few people I miss since moving away, and she’s pretty high up on the list.

Posted on 2014-01-03T07:16:35Z GMT

vertigo, or shots from the plane

Can I talk about how much I didn’t want to leave my freshly official wife for two weeks? Because I really didn’t. I had to though; my mom got a kidney transplant, and I was needed to help out around the house, and I also personally needed to go out there and see her getting better. Anyway, I crossed about 1/2 the country before dinner, and I was exhausted at the end of it. Any flight that’s too early to catch BART to get to out of SFO is officially off the table. (I’ve officially doomed myself to 6AM flights forever with that statement, I know). The color of the ground on this flight though. I’ve never seen fall like that before.

Posted on 2014-01-02T06:31:48Z GMT

mountains on the way home

The way home was pretty awesome. Instead of going through Sacramento, we went through the Sierras. The day started out kind of gray, but then the clouds sort of broke open, with a high, thin haze and a bunch of small cumulus clouds closer to us. Really good light, as long as you can get your exposures right. I was shooting through all the windows, but I think the dirt and reflections work here. We stopped for pizza at Fallon’s uncle’s, which was amazing. After that I was pretty much out for the day. I think I may have also run out of camera batteries; I know I was tired and hung over. Everyone who came: Thanks so much. You guys helped make it special, and I know it wouldn’t have been as fun without you. Now I’m going to stop, because I’m getting a sympathy hangover thinking about that day.

Posted on 2013-12-31T00:20:15Z GMT