some people would miss all this

Not just see it and move on but never notice it in the first place. It seems like random mess, but you can stare at it and sort of see themes emerge, like a world-sized rorschach test. What you see in the world defines who you are.

Posted on 2013-10-29T14:32:29Z GMT

a 90 minute tour

Somewhere in there, (10 days after the fourth, according to the pictures’ metadata), we took the Jackpot out for a cruise around Treasure Island. For the first half, I rode out on the bow, and took photos, and then for the second, I went to the back, because I didn’t want to fall in. I’m used to the ferry, which is a really big catamaran; two hulls means they’re more stable, and a much bigger boat also means the same. This was… a bit different. Not bad, but bouncing up and down 3-4 feet over every wave and getting splashed with seawater a lot. My nikon got a workout that day, and so did my free arm, holding on to the railing.

Posted on 2013-10-29T06:11:48Z GMT

streets of SF (one of many)

Man, street photography, why can’t I quit you? You’re so problematic from so many perspectives, but it feels so good. Also, how SOMA is an Audi with that vanity plate?

Posted on 2013-10-28T07:00:14Z GMT

trivia tuesdays

For the first couple of months here in the bay, you could find us at bar trivia at least once a week. It’s a good way to get out of the house an dnot feel like you’re just wasting time. I may have mentioned it on the social medias. Anyway, it’s nice to sometimes win some beer some times (2 or 3 times, but who’s counting?), and have a good excuse to go drink it. Anyway, the bar we go to for trivia is just a stone’s throw from the rockridge BART, which has a nice view of the bay, the bridge, and the city beyond. I seem to take a picture of it everytime I’m there, but they don’t usually work. I do like this one, though.

Posted on 2013-10-27T23:28:31Z GMT

team lunches

These guys, seriously. I don’t still wish I was at EY with the things I’m hearing (RIP EY Buffalo), but the team had talent and personality to spare.

Posted on 2013-10-26T22:08:23Z GMT