4th on a boat

This is how I spent my 4th of July; on Seemant’s boat, drinking and waiting for fireworks that never came. Or, when they did, were far off in the distance (that shot was through my 500mm lens, and the only one that was remotely sharp). There was drinking, and there were photos, so I was pretty happy with how it all came out. This was the second time the Jillpot sailed, incidentally. It’s now known also as the “truth boat.” Weather it’s know for that beacuse you think you’re going to sink and become deathbed honest or not is up for question; I have not sailed on it under either name.

Posted on 2013-10-25T05:19:21Z GMT

posting will continue

Until morale improves. Seriously, I just realized I’m almost 4 months behind posting photos, which is a stretch, even for me. We will get caught up by christmas, or therabouts.

Posted on 2013-10-23T14:15:46Z GMT

The better bridge

I mean, look at it.

Posted on 2013-10-23T05:32:40Z GMT

pride 2013

Pride in San Fransisco isn’t a lot different than pride in OKC… wait, who am I kidding? It’s the difference between a firecracker and a supernova. It’s the difference between 5000 and 100000 people. There’s a lot going on, plenty of crowds to get lost in, plenty to see and do. Just the people watching is pretty awesome. People of all stripes, out and proud. Whole parts of the city are closed off to traffic, and open to everything else. Which, incidentally, I didn’t see much of. People make a big deal about a couple naked guys, walking around, but here, that’s just another tuesday. Lots of street preformances, though, lots of yelling, food, drinking, dancing on lightposts, things you really don’t see every day. I was happy to see the support for Chelsea Manning. I hope she gets some much deserved freedom, sooner rather than later.

Posted on 2013-10-21T15:41:51Z GMT

Power lines

There’s something very much of my generation of photographers about doing a composition study at a car accident scene. On the other hand, nobody was hurt, and it’s really a pretty commonplace thing, so maybe it’s appropriate to be a little blasé.

Posted on 2013-10-20T19:10:50Z GMT