the first four off the top

These are just the first four images off the top of the queue. Only a little editing. I remember some of the context, except for the first one. I have no clue why I was walking in Chinatown just past dusk.

Posted on 2013-10-20T06:27:05Z GMT

back on the air

This is “@photomattmills”:, back on the air. The extened hiatus owes to my lack of a personal computer these past two months. I changed jobs, and the new employer has clauses in the contract about who owns what I produce on company equipment… anyway, I needed my own rig. I’ve completely forgotten where I was in the flow of editing and producing blog posts, so excuse me if I repeat myself. The new gig is super sweet. I’m learning a crap ton, which is great, and my co-workers and bosses are all pretty chill. To hold you over while I’m getting my shit together, and so you’ll know I’m actually alive, here’s a shot from our last camping trip. It’s the last star field I took, and the only one that’s even remotely sharp (although at 100% there’s still a little motion).

Posted on 2013-10-19T22:29:15Z GMT

More from the ferry

I may seriously do a roman à clef style photo book from these and some other photos. Does anybody do that?

Posted on 2013-08-30T17:15:36Z GMT

Barbeque on the Jackpot

This was also the day that the Jillpot launched for the first time. I burned meat on the back of the boat, there were many drinks, and someone (unpictured) decided to take a swim in the bay.

Posted on 2013-08-29T22:12:38Z GMT

some photos while you wait

I’m writing a longer piece about caring in photography that I hope I’ll have done before the weekend, but while that’s still in progress, here are some photos.

Posted on 2013-08-28T19:09:04Z GMT