A skyline

So, I was going to post a bunch of stuff this weekend, but in the process of setting up new internet, I inadvertently screwed up my firewall rules so that the only thing that wasn’t working was NFS, and then I didn’t have time to troubleshoot till now. hopefully this week goes better than all that.

Posted on 2013-08-05T14:59:07Z GMT

in defense of tilted frames

I’ve seen several criticisms in the art blogs of tilted frames lately; that they’re gimmicky, that it’s been done, yadda, yadda. The truth is that as long as photography retains its performative aspect, that is, you have to choose moments while you’re actually in them, things will always be a little off kilter. (There’s a lot more to be said about the curation of robotic photography, but it’ll have to wait; I’m tired, and this post is about the world being a little sideways).

Posted on 2013-08-01T01:25:44Z GMT

beach ride

The importance of this ride and it’s effect on my mental and physical well being cannot be understated. It’s 8 miles out, a beer stop, and 8 miles back across the peninsula; about two hours total, depending on how long the beer stop is. Long enough that I get to push myself a little, but not so long that I’m a wreck the next day. I start in SOMA, head south through approxamately the design district, and from there zigzag my way to the wiggle to get over the middle of things. There’s a wonderful bike path through panhandle park, where people are always out with their dogs, frisbees, and other paraphenalia. That path feeds right into Golden Gate park. GGP is wonderful, an amazing little pocket of nature in the middle of the city. There’s a really fast stretch of downhill, and then the ocean; end of the line. The Pacific is wonderful. Every time I see it, it’s different weather, different waves, but still, somehow constant. A goal to reach, an end. That is, until I decide to cross it in a sailboat. The ride back seems faster, because the only real climb is the scrabble up first set of hills going back into the park. I timed it, the other day, though, and the two slightly differing paths nearly identical in time and distance, probably due to traffic lights more than anything else. Someday, I’ll do this ride at 4AM and really see how fast I can make it out and back again.

Posted on 2013-07-30T00:23:47Z GMT

where I am

for those not paying attention, that is, SF, CA, USA. also, I really like this photo, for no reason. Just sayin’.

Posted on 2013-07-30T00:08:45Z GMT

on the other boat

So, the book will be photos from the ferry, right? but of course, there’s another boat in my life, which may or may not be in the final edit. I spend a reasonable ammount of time on the Jackpot, which is in fact my friend Seemant’s home. It’s an amazing setting for a lot of good stories (that may or may not see the light of day, depending on my mood/inebriation).

Posted on 2013-07-29T01:37:09Z GMT