walk to work

I wasn’t kidding the other day on instagram; I really may do a book on/about my commute called ‘from the boat’. But I don’t know if I’d have pictures like this in it or not. Remains to be seen.

Posted on 2013-07-28T22:18:12Z GMT

not quite photos of work

So, not to say that the office is boring; it’s infinitely better than sitting alone at home working remotely, but it is a little short on visually interesting human interaction. Also, I work in the office, so I’m not nearly as prone to taking photos there. I’m much more likely to have my camera while we’re going for a coffee in the afternoon, or walking to lunch or whatever. Also, as a rule, if more than three people are in a candid photo, at least one of them will be making a slightly awkward face. Oh well.

Posted on 2013-07-28T18:52:34Z GMT

metric was nice

The very next night, we went to see Metric in Oakland, and it was a lot of fun. She went off for a minute about how nobody has any privacy any more, because cell phones. Truth. Also, note to self: Always floor seats. Duh.

Posted on 2013-07-28T18:33:55Z GMT

some street photos because sigur ros was boring

I know, I know, it’s been a long time since I’ve blogged. There are ~500 images in my backlog, though, and my computer situation has finally stabilised to the point that I can blog again. These are all from the night we went to see sigur ros, the band with the made up language. All I could think, the whole time, was, “God I wish this were Radiohead, they’d be so much better.” On the plus side, we got to have some good sushi in the city, and Sophie enjoyed the show, so there’s that. at some point in this series of posts, there may be a narrative breakdown, but there will always be some good photos. Don’t worry, I’m just trying to get things online in a way that makes sense to me.

Posted on 2013-07-28T17:47:08Z GMT

City Photos

This place is pretty rad. Hills! Tall buildings! Other things! There, I’ve used up all my exclamation points for the month.

Posted on 2013-06-06T23:49:26Z GMT