Ronan gets bigger

So, some sunday in there, we went to visit KJ, and Ronan was being especially cute… in the way that only little babies can be. She’s already crawling, for crying out loud, and trying to stand on her own. Seems like yesterday she was a newborn. I’ve extrapolated, and at this rate she’ll be 12ft tall and running half the world by the age of 12.

Posted on 2012-10-15T10:43:02Z GMT

Just another saturday

You know, havin a garage sale, riding bikes, the usual.

Posted on 2012-10-14T10:04:47Z GMT

in which sunday funday ruined our plans to watch all of trueblood in one go

So we went over to Hunter’s the sunday after we got back from Colorado, and we watched a chunk of trueblood, something like the first five of the last season. Then he got a text from a friend, inviting him out to the hilo. Then all this happend:

Two hours later, we went and watched a few more episodes, and then called it quits. Still haven’t finished it.

Posted on 2012-10-13T23:23:32Z GMT

alex and the road home

So I mentioned in the previous post seeing my friend Alex, and I sorta can’t believe I didn’t take any pictures of him, but it was really amazing to see him. On the last night of our stay, we met in this Arthouse-cinema place; outside it was a cafe/bar, and inside they played art films. It was great to see him and catch up. He’s in an Economics PhD program and kicking ass. Then there was the drive home. There were these amazing storms; one looke like the rain just stopped suddenly; we could see the clear air above the rain that was still falling. Then behind that storm, there was this weird dark mist (in the last photo). It was eaither really rapid evaporation in the heat that came behind the storm, or dust kicked up by the downdraft. But beautiful.

Posted on 2012-10-13T18:09:11Z GMT

rocky mountain nat'l park

Like I said, mountains. and then behind this set are more mountains. And then, that evening, my friend alex showed me photos of a lake at 10,000 feet or something rediculous, beautiful, blue, clear and amazing. I’m definitely going to have to go back there and do some exploring.

Posted on 2012-10-12T05:30:57Z GMT