a quiet little college town

So, I’m currently on a plane, 37000 feet over the Atlantic. There is no wifi on this plane, which saddens me, if only because I can’t git push the cool things I’ve been doing with this Penumbra cypher. It’s terribly nerdy, but it’s keeping my mind occupied on these interminable flights. I’m some genuiuwill crack it in a minute as soon as someone bothers to notice it (As soon as I tweet to the author, probably). Anyway, Fort Collins was a really pleasant little town. I could actually see myself living there if/when I get sick of cities. There were pianos on the sidewalk,for anyone to play, and a bunch of breweries, and beautiful mountains, which I’ll get to in the next post.

Posted on 2012-10-12T05:20:51Z GMT

all the way to fort collins

I’ve said it before, but it’s worth repeating: hammock camping is awesome. Setup and breakdown are easy, and it’s way easier on my back than sleeping on the ground. Also: starlight is awesome. We drove west from the state park in the morning. We were passing through this little town when we saw a little band of locals out in front of a what looked like a little house; they waved, we waved, and about two seconds later we were turning around to see what was going on. Turns out the house was a museum, and the locals gatherd were there for their weekly saturday morning get together. There were home made doughnuts and coffee, and everybody was sitting around telling stories. The museum had a ton of antiques, things found out in the desert, fossils, etc. The old couple running the place had just celebrated their 64th wedding anniversary. From there, we drove to Clayton, NM. had a delicious meal at the rabbit ear cafe (real green chili!) after going intentionally the wrong way for a minute. Then we high-tailed it to the interstate, and drove on the rest of the way. Another good day.

Posted on 2012-10-10T19:54:39Z GMT

to the panhandle

really, though, I can only do the quotidian for so long before I have to go do something fun and unexpected. We went to colorado by way of black mesa; it’s about 6 hours more driving that way than the interstate, but it’s at least interesting.

Posted on 2012-10-10T19:31:18Z GMT

some random things

theses are just from one of those fortnights where things just sort of move along. We went to the range and took the long way home, took a midnight bike ride, went to the lake and sat on the shore under the starlight. The there was Hunter’s birthday, where the light was awful but the food was wonderful.

Posted on 2012-10-10T18:33:15Z GMT

moving day

helped my friend kj move into a new place. it rained, we waited, there were beers and burgers in there; not pictured is the doorknob I had to break off when someone locked their keys in the house. Good times.

Posted on 2012-10-09T16:47:16Z GMT