today, 8/25/2014

The weekend was cray. 12 hours of work on saturday on the watch board, and 8 hours of drinking on sunday. There was no time to blog. Still, if this is a four day a week enterprise, that’s not too bad. I may also start posting some things from the backlog, beacuse my daily grind is a lot of the same old construction, busses, and sidewalks.

Posted on 2014-08-26T08:12:14Z GMT

today again

It seems like it’s today every day. I tend to lose steam towards the end of the week, because work + watch dev + photography is a lot of stuff to do. I thought today was wednesday until late in the afternoon. I’m glad tomorrow is Friday.

Posted on 2014-08-22T06:14:34Z GMT

yesterday and today

So, I missed a day. I did a lot of programming in the last 48 hours, and I probably could have done a post last night, but I couldn’t think of doing anything. I actually couldn’t think at all. One of the reasons I got so backlogged was being to rigid about rules. So here’s yesterday and today.

Posted on 2014-08-21T06:24:25Z GMT

today, 8/18

Today was a lot of gray, outside. Inside, I did a lot of work, catching up for being distracted by the news last week. I have a feeling it’s only going to get worse for a while (weeks? months?), before it gets better. On the plus side, I made a ton of headway in a complex domain. I ran into a friend walking home from the BART, and we caught up andd talked about things for a few blocks. A turned-off TV asked me “RU OK?” and I am. Then we got to see some other friends, just home from Ireland. They brought me whiskey, which I’m now saving for a special occaision.

Posted on 2014-08-19T05:58:12Z GMT

today, today

Before you get to the blog post, you are aware of “what’s happening in Ferguson, MO”: , right? Good. If not, go read some news. I should note that the wikipedia article is out of date, and leaves out a lot of details. Everything has gone to hell again tonight, by all accounts. I’m going to try someting, because the mountain of images I have to edit and post here isn’t getting any smaller, and I’m not going to stop shooting, either. So, I’m going to try to post all of the images from today, today. Today was a barbeque and a walk to CVS. Met a bunch of cool folks at the barbeque. Soph made her mac and cheese, not pictured, but good all the same. It was, overall, a success. Then there was the epic journey for benadryl. Well, a 15 minute walk, at least. The LED streetligts are weird; looks like Gregory Crewdson designed them for one of his shoots. That’s all I can do right now.

Posted on 2014-08-18T05:48:48Z GMT