bike through the golden gate park

Fog and gray and dark. I’ve been shooting more lately, socially, sort of the way I used to. I’m dicsovering my camera is absolute shit in those sitations I used to love; slow auto focus, slow to wake up, just slow. I was going to replace it soon, but it seems it’ll be a few more months. At least my car is paid off, so I can save pretty quickly. For all the people that only follow this blog, and might have been wondering, I’m still here. Still kickin’. Trying to post more frequently. The backlog is still there, waiting. The projects are going, slowly. We’ll see.

Posted on 2014-08-04T06:24:41Z GMT


Just a nice photo I took two months ago, getting coffee with the old team.

Posted on 2014-07-25T05:30:51Z GMT

Coding induced temporary aphasia

This was the night I was supposed to get on the bart, but was so distracted and out of it from work, I got on the bus and came home instead. Coding induced temporary aphasia. Sophia and some other folks were already at the bar, so I walked. Nice sunset light, why not?

Posted on 2014-07-24T06:29:48Z GMT

the yips

There’s a component to my photography that’s all about just trying to see what’s in front of me, the beautiful, the strange, whatever. People us fishing or hunting analogies; but really it’s a physical sport, looking for and catching these things. Can you see the line in time to get your camera to your eye? Is your muscle memory tuned to remember where the buttons are, the knobs turned right as you’re getting ready to shoot? Lately, and I’m not sure why, but all the accrued skill that I have seems to have taken leave, and I haven’t made any really signifigant photographs in months. It’s possible that my concentration is just elsewhere, focused on the watch project, and my other skills are deteriorating. I don’t think it works that way, but maybe it does. Spend to much time in an analytical mindset, and the ‘relaxed concentration’, the zen modes, seem to go away. Maybe I just need to get out and shoot some more. Ferry tomorrow, we’ll see if that helps.

Posted on 2014-07-24T06:18:57Z GMT

a lot of cranes

My adopted home has, ove the past year, gotten a construction habit. Maybe I just didn’t notice it when I was visiting. There are a shit ton of them.

Posted on 2014-07-18T04:52:47Z GMT