not photos from the book

The mathematician “Paul Erdős”: had a saying: when he came across a particularly beautiful proof, he’d say “That’s one from the book,” meaning the book that God kept all the best proofs in. bq. Although an agnostic atheist, he spoke of “The Book”, a visualization of a book in which God had written down the best and most elegant proofs for mathematical theorems. Lecturing in 1985 he said, “You don’t have to believe in God, but you should believe in The Book.” He was really a fascinating fellow; really, go read the “wikipedia page”: about him. Fun fact: if Hank Aaron has an Erdos number of 1 because of a signed baseball, mine is four, because of a project I owned, and passed on to an academic. The book I’m talking about, though, is just the one I’m meant to be working on. In a world filled with wonders like Erdos numbers and cloudy skies and busy life all around, is it any wonder I get distracted?

Posted on 2014-02-27T07:04:05Z GMT

gonna start on a new book

I have a couple projects that at least have enough photos for book-ifying. I don’t know which one, though. The street stuff is a little premature, I think; I don’t know where it’s going yet. The photos from the ferry might be a good group. There’s also the signs project, which up until this moment only existed in my head… it’s really loosely framed at this point, and none of the pictures have made it up here yet. It’s also way too soon to put that one on paper. So, ferry photos it is. Of course, I have 10 other projects demanding my attention; there’s the watch that I’ve been planning to build, there’s the camera repair that I haven’t finished, there’s the postcard list, the wheels that I need to build for myself so sophie can have hers back, the bluetooth chording keyboard for my ipad, and the camera, which will happen about the time I retire at this rate. Anyway, don’t look for this book thing to happen soon. I’ve no idea what form it’ll be in, who’ll print it, or any of that. Silly details.

Posted on 2014-02-26T06:20:03Z GMT

new years 2014 (back on the air)

this was a very nice evening with some new friends here in the bay. Really great folks. D&C are the same pair we went to Yosemite with a couple weekends ago. Really fun couple, I’m glad we met them. So. We’re in the new house, and I’ve got my computer and network up. The RAID came up just fine, and everything else seems as well; wifi works, at least. There’s a lot of unpacking, organizing, and laying out of furniture to be done, but home is where “”: is.

Posted on 2014-02-25T06:51:11Z GMT

a history of stragglers

So, we’re in the middle of moving, and the only real computer I have access to is my server, the one that runs the web site you’re reading. The server is cloudy, which means when I move house, I don’t have to move it. By real computer, I mean something that can run, at a minimum, vim and git. Those are the minimum tools I need to do a blog post. My rasberry pi also qualifies, but it’s in a box somewhere. Luckily, I had photos already out on the server, or theis would be a very boring post indeed. These are more from the period between Xmas and New Years. One from sonoma, and the others walking back from brunch at Portal. That’s what I meant by stragglers; I keep seeming to have one photo that should have gone with the previous set turn up the next time I open lightroom. It’s what I get for blogging tired. Not much to say right now. moving is hard, and it’s going to take us all week, I’m afraid. Tomorrow is the furniture, but there are a million little things that are going to take us a while to get. The kitchen, the closets, the camping stuff, yada yada yada. Up and down stairs until I’m tired of it, and then a few more trips. This was my idea, really. Save a little money, get into a nicer area. I’ll enjoy it once I get there, but now, I’m tired.

Posted on 2014-02-22T06:50:36Z GMT

sonoma plus one

The day after xmas, we realized we had nothing to do and all the time in the world to do it in, so we took a little day trip to Sonoma for some wine tasting and food. It’s a nice drive out there, a couple hours, maybe, with traffic, and nice rolling hills to drive through. The first thing we did was get a bite at a little cafe, and then visited the tourist bureau. There was a nice lady there that told us about good places to eat, and gave us a map of wineries on the square, and some coupons for tastings. So, we wandered a bit. The first place we went to talked us into joining a wine club. The two bottles we were thinking about were effectively half price with the club. The tasting room had a bunch of kitschy household goods for sale, handmade by the looks, in addition to the wine. I think gauche is the word, but I may be so backward that shit like that is in style in some circles. The wine was good, and I don’t really regret the wine subscription. It does give us an excuse to go back every few months or so. The second place was more sophisticated, and seemed very proud of it’s italian heritage. They also had a pretty good schpiel about how some of their wines came into being by happy accident. Who knows if it was true, but there was a nice couple also in from the city who shared their salami and crackers with us on the patio as we had a glass. Pretty rad. The last place the vintner himself was serving us, and the guy who made the pottery on display came by to say hello. His wines were probably the best we had that day, and I really look forward to going back there. “Bump”: was the name. They do sell them online, although no clubs and no discounts. Then there was dinner, a nice pizza, which I had way too much of, and then we went home. The last photo is a straggler; the set I thought it was part of didn’t work, and I ended up getting rid of most of them, but I really like that gold tooth.

Posted on 2014-02-19T07:03:57Z GMT