ben and jenn came to town

No, not that Ben and Jenn. Why would I care about them? No, these are two of our friends from oklahoma, out here to see family over the holidays. We met up, had brunch at Oakland Grill, and then took the ferry over to the city. December 26 and I hardly needed a jacket.

Posted on 2014-02-11T15:35:23Z GMT

to work and back again

My commute includes about 100 yards of walking down market street. It is, as my friend Mike says, ‘Prime people watchin’. My tendency when taking pictures is to look for something about to happen, and try to get there in time. On this stretch of road, everything is always happening. Deals are made, breakfast is bought, people wander, lost, across the street at 9am on a Thursday. Tourists gater around their maps, and locals weave around them, as if they were statues. Bums beg for change, and they get some, sometimes. Messengers lock and unlock their bikes, delivery trucks stop with days or weeks of supplies for the buildings and restaurants. All in 100 yards!

Posted on 2014-02-10T15:24:51Z GMT

not daylight yet

It occured to me, looking at these photos, that it’ll be light again soon when I get to the beach on these rides. We’re currently as far from the solstice as we were in late october, which makes me kinda happy, although it’s dark now, at 6pm. SOON. The last couple rides out there I haven’t really taken any photos, because it’s started to feel like I’m repeating myself. So the light coming back will be a welcome change. I do think that there is a photo of a bunch of dudes around a bonfire somewhere in the queue.

Posted on 2014-02-09T21:28:07Z GMT

after the office xmas party

I took some photos at the party, but really, none of them were that great. After the party, we ended up meeting Fletch and his wife; they’re really cool folks. I think this was zeitgeist? It’s been too long ago now. It was one of those faux dive bars in the mission. NEWS FLASH: if there’s not a reasonable chance of your getting stabbed inside, it’s not an actual dive bar. That’s why I like Merchants, over on this side of the bay. Anyway, I digress. fuck bad pictures of shit I don’t care about. Here are some good pictures of things I care about:

Posted on 2014-02-09T06:11:33Z GMT

left the camera in jpeg

So this was what, just before xmas? Severin came to town, and so we had to meet up for drinks. There was some confusion, followed by some stumbling, but luckily sophie was there to keep shit together. These would have been in color, but I somehow got the camera in JPEG mode, which means these have a weird blurry look to them when zoomed all the way in, as if the details were painted. Oh well. Which reminds me, I still haven’t done any work on a RAW converter to use with DarkTable. The list of projects keeps growing, and the time to work on them is somewhere between not much and nil. I need to prioritize, I suppose. Maybe after the move.

Posted on 2014-02-07T07:10:43Z GMT