sonoma clouds and sundry

this was a trip that we took up to Sonoma to pick up a club shipment and attend a tasting event where they had all these little bite sized pairings to go with the wine. Lovely food and drink. Pangloss was the name of the place. All the people there are as nice as you might expect from a place who’s owner has enough of a sense of humor and love of Voltaire to name a joint Pangloss.

the clouds that day were bonkers. Just puffy, light things that hung in the air and provided shadows over the landscape for added drama. Not only is Sonoma a nice place to get to, but it’s an enjoyable drive up. The drive back is usually at the same time as 10000000000 other idiots that have also been tasting and drinking all day, so it’s something of a wash. As we left, the colouds sort of built up off to the east and started to close in; we made it home just before the rain started. The last photo, of right before we turned onto San Pablo, was bright, direct sun on the foreground, and ominous, dark clouds just behind. Luckily, it was just rain.

I say “just rain,” but ask me about the rain in brasil sometime. Yowsers.

sophie, tolerating my bullshit again. the wine may have helped.

Posted on 2018-05-03T06:43:12Z GMT


This would have been a post of a bunch of photos from the second to last time I went to Odd Salon, but I decided I didn’t like any of them, so here are the first and last pictures I did that night. I think they’re OK.

The whole experiment of posting every day seems to have gone well, and I’m going to try to keep it up. there’s something really nice about just putting the work out there in the world, even if I have no idea who’s looking at it (I took off google analytics a day or so after re-enabling it, because who wants to give them more info). Anyway. I think it’s helping.

Here’s today.

Posted on 2018-05-02T06:21:20Z GMT

30 posts!

I made it! this post, half an hour before midnight on the last day of the month, makes 30 posts, or an average of one a day for the month of April. Woot! Here’s a rainbow to celebrate (this was actually the next photo on the queue, by a quirk of serendipity). The clouds were actually just the view in the opposite direction, a couple minutes later. Done!

Posted on 2018-05-01T06:33:13Z GMT

more denver

I think I may have posted one or more of these to insta, but here they are in my space, processed (a little) on my machine. I was in denver for Elixirdaze, a conference about elixir in a place where there’s legal weed. Get it? Daze? Anyway, I got out a little while I was there, saw some things, ran an elixirbridge, etc. Sophie came, and I didn’t get a single good photo of her. Ah well.

Posted on 2018-05-01T06:29:15Z GMT

approaching denver

Love this approach. Sometimes I’m lucky and the wind and the clouds are right and it’s just really beautiful.

Posted on 2018-05-01T05:52:34Z GMT